FCBA is offering IEFC members the opportunity to have one of their PhD, Post-Doc or Masters students to speak at the Woodrise 2023 event in Bordeaux. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered thanks to the IEFC Network Fund.
For its 4th edition, the Woodrise event, organized by FCBA will be held from the 16th to the 20th of October 2023 in the city of Bordeaux at the Palais 2 l’Atlantique. Woodrise wishes to address the societal and environmental challenges of low-carbon construction and the integration of biodiversity in tomorrow’s cities. Internationally renowned speakers will discuss these different challenges through plenary sessions and workshops. This edition aims to bring together 3000 participants from 20 different countries and 100 exhibitors.
The Woodrise event is organised by the Woodrise Alliance network including co-founders from Canada and Japan. It brings together several categories of stakeholders (business, construction, science, public…) and aims mainly at promoting international partnerships between companies of the forest-wood sector.
Presentations will be given in plenary sessions, field tours and technical workshops. Two field trips will be focused on forest resources. One will be focuses on maritime pine in the Landes region and the other on Douglas fir in the Limousin region.
Description of the workshop:
6 workshops will take place simultaneously on Wednesday 18 October afternoon. One of the workshops will be focused on the role of planted forests for the timber industry and wood construction. This workshop will feature presentations of international case studies.
3 PhD, Post-Doc or Masters students are invited to present their work during this workshop. The researching topics shall be related to forest resources, such as plantations, forestry operations, genetic improvement, wood transportation, pathogens, resource modelling, forest economics, climate change, etc.
Presentations will be made in English using a slideshow in a short format (5 minutes) on a complete thesis or part of a thesis.
How to apply:
If you are interested in participating in the Woodrise event, please send an email via this form indicating :
– Your name and surname ;
– Your email address ;
– As subject : Woodrise 2023 thesis application ;
– As message: Abstract of the thesis or the part of the thesis to be presented (300 words).
Abstracts should be submitted in English
Keywords: forest resources, timber, thesis, Phd, Woodrise, workshop, event, construction, wood, Network Fund, Bordeaux, 2023.