FORSAID has as an overall goal to develop a comprehensive combination of innovative digital technologies aimed at detecting regulated forest pests at an early stage, surveying their occurrence in the territory, and providing essential information for the adoption of phytosanitary measures to limit their spread and impacts. The project adopts a multi-actor and multidisciplinary approach tailored to develop and favour the adoption of digital technologies at different
spatial and temporal scales associated with a selected list of important regulated forest pests, taking into account forest actors’ needs and expectations.
Ressource Infrastructure for adaptation to climate change 2
Climate change, with drought, fire and windstorm, threatens the Atlantic area’s key resource of fast-growing forest and associated biodiversity. Policy makers and foresters are concerned about managing current forests and what to plant to ensure trees that survive climate change. REINFFORCE2 will provide solutions thanks to the climatic gradient along the Interreg Atlantic area to anticipate climate change effects on coastal forests, simulating a global warming of 6°C. The project will capitalise (WP1) on field trials installed with Interreg Atlantic area in 2012, analysing big data collected with new IT and AI tools (WP2) such as drones and sensors not available 10 years ago, enhance the REINFFORCE1 infrastructure, adding new trials dedicated to the adaptation of forests to climate change, building new links with partners further south to anticipate very warm climates (WP3&4) and validating and promoting solutions on how to adapt forests to secure resources for forest-based sectors.
Transforming forest management for multiple ecosystem services and nature conservation via the integrative approach
The overall objective of TRANSFORMIT is to demonstrate and improve the effectiveness of integrative forest management (IFM) to combine productive forestry and biodiversity conservation by integrating existing practical and scientific knowledge, and to stipulate collaboration and mutual learning amongst science, policy and practice. TRANSFORMIT will lay the basis for larger scale implementation of IFM through proactive engagement with well-established networks, such as the Integrate Network, and a corresponding Chinese consortium. Capitalizing these networks, TRANFORMIT will (a) create a Stakeholder Engagement Platform for intensive collaboration, mutual learning and sharing of knowledge among conservation and forestry bodies, forest managers, forest owners, research institutions, certification bodies and other interested stakeholders to exploit synergies and minimise trade-offs in forest management, (b) promote IFM though the establishment of seven Living Labs that serve as role models to spread IFM across European regions, (c) create a set of practical IFM recommendations and evidence-based guidelines for upscaling and addressing multiple, possibly conflicting objectives of forest management, d) update, demonstrate and verify IFM actions to help achieve EU forest policy targets as part of the EU Green Deal, Biodiversity Strategy and the EU Forest Strategy 2030, (e) demonstrate approaches for the diversification of IFM methods and appropriate use with a strong involvement of practitioners, (f) demonstrate the active use of Decision Support Tools (DSTs) and forest modelling as well as innovative technologies to address effects of different forest management approaches on the provision of ecosystem services and effects of climate change on forests, (g) apply context-dependent and site-appropriate, participatory, multi-stakeholder and interdisciplinary methods.
CLIMB-FOREST suggests alternative sustainable short-, mid-, and long-term pathways for the forest sector to mitigate climate change in entire Europe, considering preservation of biodiversity, ecosystem services, bioeconomy, socioeconomic factors, use of long-lived wood products, and barriers for change. It will have long-term impact by creating attitude change in the policymaking process in the EU and influence foresters to adopt to new forest management strategies.
This is accomplished through several work packages closely interrelated: We aim to 1) make a conclusive map of current forestry and management in Europe, 2) gather data and enhance process understanding of carbon uptake, sinks and other factors impacting on climate at intensively researched forest field site infrastructures, 3) quantify the bioeconomy, and customer and forest industry preferences for alternative wood products and management practices, 4) perform pan-European modelling of scenarios, and the environmental and climate impact of alternative pathways for European forestry, 5) ensure adaptation to new management strategies and forest preservation owing to intense field site visits in geographically representative locations in Europe, and 6) synthesize and disseminate the CLIMB-FOREST outcomes tailored for impact on the entire forest sector.
The unique strength of the CLIMB-FOREST initiative and the potential to secure future impact, lies mainly in four crucial factors; 1) the unprecedented mapping of current forestry, management and carbon sequestration, 2) the quantification of all biogeochemical and biophysical processes in the forest, which is instrumental to the understanding of climate effects in the forest, 3) the beyond the stateof-the-art modelling that involves all socioeconomic and physical factors, and agents acting in the forest sector, and 4) the multi-actor stakeholder co-creation process generating knowledge transfer and means of change in the forestry sector.
PathFinder |
PathFinder - Towards an Integrated Consistent European LULUCF Monitoring and Policy Pathway Assessment Framework.
PathFinder will develop and demonstrate an integrated and continuous forest monitoring and pathway assessment system ,which will allow a consistent EU greenhouse gas reporting of the LULUCF sector. The PathFinder system will make combined use of field and remotely sensed data for high-resolution mapping and measurement of forest attributes. National forest inventories (NFIs) and ICP Forests will collaborate and this will provide a database of harmonized ground truth information which will be complemented by field surveys of previous long-term field monitoring sites.
This project aims to finance an INRAe PhD on the modelling of the behaviour of the cork oak species in the context of climate change. It aims to explore the ecological and economic potential of this species, particularly in the southern part of the Landes de Gascogne triangle.
SUPERB pursues the overall goal to create a lasting enabling environment for transformative change towards large-scale forest and forest landscape restoration, which empowers decision makers to take just and informed decisions for restoration of biodiversity, ecosystem services and carbon sequestration in a manner that minimises region specific trade-offs and maximises synergies between ecosystem services. SUPERB will develop and synthesise a multidisciplinary, practical, and scientific restoration knowledge basis and make it publicly available. In 12 large-scale demonstrators across Europe, we will showcase best practises responding to key forest restoration and adaptation challenges on some hundreds of hectares per demo and with the potential for immediate upscaling to over one million hectares in 10-15 years. For large scale restoration to be successful, many actors from different sectors and disciplines must behave synergistically and in a mutually reinforcing way. We will speed up transformative change and further upscaling through innovative stakeholder involvement across scales to ensure the favourability and uptake of the proposed approaches. A comprehensive multi-language online Forest Ecosystem Restoration Gateway will guide stakeholders to find answers to their restoration questions, advise them on how to deal with barriers and enablers and provide access to easily applicable and comprehensible tools and materials that support restoration, e.g., best practices for forest restoration or the development of scalability plans, a tree species selection application, an innovative funding guide, and much more. The Gateway will also host a restoration Marketplace, where market agents, e.g. potential funders and landowners, can agree on bids for restoration projects. SUPERB will boost and measure its impact through its extensive and systematically enlarged stakeholder communities and networks, to ensure the relevance of the project outputs and their positive uptake</pre>
The aim of the project is to provide the EU with the capacity to avoid collapsing in front of the
extreme fire regimes change already detected by identifying, developing and deploying innovative means
promoting the integration of landscapes and communities, novel technology applications and operational
approaches adapted to the new challenges.
Extreme Wildfires may lead Europe to this collapse leading to crises at different levels: environmental,
economic and in civil security. If we consider a size at European scale, avoiding the collapse requires
landscapes able to absorb disruptions (resilient landscapes) and to adapt to new situations after the
changes. To avoid this collapse, it must be necessary to think environmentally (including humans and
disruptions as part of it), socio-economically and with an emergency management cycle perspective.
Objectives respond to ‘where do we go?’ (1), ‘the path to go there’ (2), ‘how we do the process’ (3) so
they are next:
1. Future fire regimes scenarios and impacts definitions (both in ecosystems and in the socio-
economic systems).
2. Landscape and Emergency management strategies adapted to extreme wildfires and coherent
with the landscape transition, improved landscape planning and management, from the current
days to the future:
a. Atlantic: evolution from south to north, to dry summer periods and increased biomass
b. Mediterranean: from their typical characteristics to meadows or savannah-like landscapes.
c. Tundra-boreal: from their typical characteristics to a more Atlantic-like landscape.
3. Innovative Actions to walk the path from nowadays situation to the future scenarios.
a. Improved science-based tools and information for identifying potential scenarios
(improved data bases, simulations, access...).
b. Testing of novel technologies and solutions for improved early detection and decision-
making in firefighting.
c. Measures and monitoring to detect which scenario will be reached.
4. Improved risk-awareness and culture of risk in communities
Mixte plantations for change
Based on the TREEDIVNET mixed plantations trial network, this ERANET project aims to analyse both the processes that change in a mixed plantation context (tree biology, carbon sequestration, water consumption and vulnerability to drought), mycorrhizal fungi diversity, impact on pests) but also to analyse the perception and expectations of stakeholders towards mixedwood forests. IEFC is subcontracted to the project to facilitate the organisation of events and products for forest stakeholders.
PEN-CAFoRR - COST Action CA19128 |
Pan-European Network for Climate Adaptive Forest Restoration and Reforestation\
Like all COST Actions, the primary objective is to facilitate knowledge sharing and networking between experts from all European countries. Among the operational objectives in line with the IEFC strategy, it is worth mentioning the development of technical guidelines for afforestation and restoration of degraded sites, while conserving biodiversity, and choosing the most suitable genetic resources in the context of climate change. Recommendations on planting and plant protection techniques will also be established and shared with as many actors as possible involved in new plantations for the afforestation of agricultural land or the restoration of degraded forest ecosystems.
The Hylobe meta-project, of which the LUTHYL project is a part, aims to find alternative solutions to neonicotinoid-based phytocides to limit the damage caused by hylobes (a small beetle that attacks young conifer plantations) in French plantations (Douglas fir, pine, etc.). The project will test different management options in situ and evaluate the best options on full-scale work sites in order to promote an economically viable solution in the long term.
The primary objective of MARCSMAN is to provide knowledge and models needed to balance the trade-offs between maximizing forest yield and minimizing the risk for wind- and snow damage in Norway spruce stands. The following secondary objectives will be addressed through five interconnected work packages, designated to support the main objective:
1) Obtain up-to-date estimates of site productivity by implementing a novel, age-independent site index estimation method from single-tree airborne laser scanning data.
2) Develop new models for age at breast height and best available site index values for young stands.
3) Develop new models for yield and risk effects of thinning in Norway spruce stands.
4) Testing and implementing prediction models for wind- and snow damage.
5) Provide a synthesis and decision support for choice of density programmes in Norway spruce stands.
COMplex FORest
The project coordinated by the Natural History Museum of Madrid aims to :
-Quantifying and valuing socially and economically the ecosystem services (biomass for energy, quality wood, carbon sequestration, habitat improvement and abiotic and biotic risk reduction) of mixed plantations and irregular forests in SUDOE.
-The creation of a joint experimental network of mixed and irregular forests and plantations in SUDOE to build capacity and transfer knowledge.
- The development of a smart specialisation strategy for the management of mixed and irregular forests and plantations in SUDOE through knowledge networking, innovation and scientific exchange. Technological valorisation of complex forests (mixed and irregular) and mixed plantations. IEFC tasks focus on mixed plantations.
VirtualForests |
Virtualization of Forest Studies
Virtualforest aims to develop educational resources for university students, professionals and the general public based on the virtual tools available to foresters. The diversity of resources will include educational data sets (LIDAR, field, etc.), MOOCs, test plots and virtual forests allowing 3D immersion in a wide variety of forestry contexts in the temperate and tropical zone.
PEI-AGRI Forêt durable
The aim of the Sustainable Forest thematic coordination, initiated by the RRN and led by the CNPF in collaboration with ECOFOR and IEFC, is to promote the results of the PEI-AGRI forestry projects (multi-stakeholder projects, thematic networks and operational groups) of the 2014-2020 period among French forestry stakeholders through a programme of transfer and communication actions (fact sheets, summaries, videos, webinars, meetings and workshops in the field in the regions).
The first step is to identify and characterise collectively the most relevant projects related to the "Sustainable Forest" theme and responding to national forestry issues. The projects are then analysed by the partners according to their field of expertise and the results are capitalised on to be used in transfer and communication actions.
The aim of this coordination is to encourage the emergence of new partnerships and the submission of projects through a better exploitation of the articulation in the regions of the IAP-AGRI projects (Horizon 2020 and EAFRD) and the decompartmentalisation of the work among the different types of French forestry actors from Research & Development & Innovation (RDI).
Adaptive BREEDING for productive, sustainable and resilient FORESTs under climate change
B4EST is an EU-funded H2020 project which focuses on adaptive breeding for productive, sustainable and resilient forests under climate change. Climate change can increase forest vulnerability to damage and disease, reduce forest health and productivity, and cause economic losses. B4EST’s goal is to increase forest survival, health, resilience and productivity under these circumstances, while maintaining genetic diversity and key ecological functions, and fostering a competitive EU bio-based economy. B4EST aims to provide forest tree breeders, forest owners, managers and policy makers with better scientific knowledge to deal with these issues.
Holistic Management of Forets Pest and Diseases
This project aims to improve the rapid detection and eradication of new pathogens that may arrive in forests, detection being all the more crucial for plantation forests.
In addition to a scientific analysis and the implementation of digital tools adapted to this end, the project will
-Co-design, with forest stakeholders, tools, guidelines and recommendations for the prevention, detection, diagnosis, eradication and control of new PNPs
-Develop a generic decision support system, illustrated by representative model case studies, for forest stakeholders to provide the most appropriate response during invasion and emergence processes, based on critical indicators and risk analysis.
Create a web-based multi-criteria decision support interface to select the best options for eradication, containment or control of emerging and invasive PnPs.
Module Scolaire Bioéconomie Forestière
Based on the observation that the general public confuses deforestation with forest exploitation and has a very approximate knowledge of the contribution of the forest to the abioeconomy, the USSE and Spanish partners have set up this project financed by the New Aquitaine-Euskadi-Navarre Euroregion.
It aims to produce, share and promote educational resources on the theme of forests, their sustainable management and their ecosystem services. Pilot actions and field visits will be carried out in the region's high schools and schools and promoted to the rectorate.
SustForest Plus is an initiative driven by the major players of the natural resin value-chain of south-western Europe to boost the sector’s economic activity with three objectives that complement each other:
-Meet the demand for natural resins in the industry of South Western Europe.
-Generate stable and quality employment in rural areas of South-Western Europe.
-Valuing commercially and technologically the natural resin produced in the forests of South West Europe as a sustainable social, economic and environmental resource.
ENGIE2020 |
ENGIE Green wishes to develop a multi-energy platform project, a data centre and agricultural greenhouses in the commune of Saucats on an area of 18.56 km2 currently forested by maritime pine stands. ENGIE Green wishes to emphasise consultation as well as in-depth ecological diagnoses, maximum reduction of the carbon footprint, and exemplary development methods and environmental measures. This project is subject to an instruction and design phase for which ENGIE Green calls on a multidisciplinary expertise. The aim is to assess the impact of this implementation on the carbon balance of this area, including biomass and soil. This carbon balance will take into account the preparation of the land (land clearing), all the building (construction and operation phase) and the reforestation obligations (compensatory afforestation).
IEFC have been contracted by INRAe to run the GO+ process-base model for different forests management options. This includes standard management, intensive management and removal of trees. These simulations will be run for different climate scenarios and for the different forest stages currently in the forest. IEFC will also help to prepare reports for the project and material for presentations at public enquiries.