
Formodels database

Register of models for forest

Thanks to the filter you can identify quickly the forest models matching your expections based on the species, the area, the forest structure or th eprogramming software you wish to use.


What is this database? Keywords of the database - CAPSIS Software - FORMIS database
Number of matching rows : 111
Id name class category type organisation author year Eq
2->>> Laricio Dynamic Growth Empirical growth & Yield models CEMAGREF; IDF; INRA Meredieu C. 1998 No
4->>> Fagacées-Hêtre Dynamic Growth Empirical growth & Yield models ENGREF; INRA Jean-François Dhôte 1996 No
5->>> Fagacées-Chêne Dynamic Growth Empirical growth & Yield models ENGREF; INRA Jean-François Dhôte 1998 No
3->>> ASPECTS Dynamic Growth Empirical growth & Yield models Université de Liège Daniel Rasse & Louis Francois 2001 No
6->>> Pukkala in CAPSIS Dynamic Growth Empirical growth & Yield models CEMAGREF Goreaud d´apres Pukkala (1989) 2001 No
7->>> SIMOPCOSOR Dynamic Growth Process based models CEMAGREF; ENGREF Goreaud 2000 No
8->>> Eucalypt Dynamic Growth Empirical growth & Yield models CIRAD; ECOsa L. Saint-André 2002 No
9->>> Mountain Dynamic Growth Empirical growth & Yield models CEMAGREF B. Courbaud 2002 No
11->>> Ventoux Dynamic Growth Empirical growth & Yield models INRA Ph. Dreyfus 2002 No
12->>> Selva Dynamic Growth Empirical growth & Yield models CIRAD S. Gourlet-Fleury 1997 No
13->>> CA1 Dynamic Growth Empirical growth & Yield models INRA François Courbet 2003 No
15->>> PP3 Dynamic Growth Empirical growth & Yield models INRA C. Meredieu, Ph. Dreyfus, B. Lemoine 2002 No
16->>> Biomass PPM gal Static Biomass Tree Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Balboa et al. 2005 Yes
17->>> Biomass Rad Gal Static Biomass Tree Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Balboa et al. 2005 Yes
18->>> Eucalypt gal Static Biomass Tree Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Balboa et al. 2005 Yes