ICPF 2023 – Presentations

Planted forests, an essential nature-based solution to meet growing needs in wood products, restore forest ecosystems, and mitigate climate change

On this page you will find the line-up of presentations from our event in Kenya.

Session 1: Plantation in new business models: investing into wood production restoring ecosystem services and enhancing livelihoods.

Session 2: Societal perception of plantations and governance.

Session 3: Planted forests and trees, a critical option for and ecosystem restoration

Session 3a:
Best practices and innovations for the sustainable management of planted forests.

Session 3b:
Planted forests in productive, resilient and restored landscapes.

Session 4: Planted forests in a decarbonized bioeconomy.

Session 5: Planted forests facing global change risks.

Session 6: Optimizing trade-offs across ecosystem services: towards new models of management.