[29.03.2024] – Robot for Silviculture and Automatic Planting Machine

Webinar: Let’s Talk About Planted Forests will focus on Robot for Silviculture and Automatic Planting Machine

Planted forests in most case are installed on bare soils, allowing a higher mechanisation than naturally regenerated forests. In addition, as a result of plantation, forest pattern is more simple and regular than in other forests. Thus, planted forests are an interesting playground to test new robots, autonomous or not, to improve productivity at all stages of the forest management: plantation, weed control, thinning, harvesting. During this webinar, we do not pretend to give an exhaustive view but few examples of work in progress from different part of the world:

Watch the replay below and download presentation at the bottom of the page

Speakers & Presentations

🟦 Claire Stewart, Forest Growers Research, New Zealan

An overview of the Precision Silviculture Programme from Forest Growers Research, New Zealand

🟦Loïc Cotten, Alliance Forêts Bois, France:

Autonomous poplar planting machine developed by Alliance Forêts Bois

🟦 Harrie Lovenstein, Land Life, Netherlands

Autonomous tree seeding: Aerial or Terrestrial?

This event is co-organized by the IEFC, the IUFRO task force “Resilient Planted Forest Serving Society & Bioeconomy” and the EFI Research Network on Planted Forests

Main sponsors of IEFC
Région Nouvelle Aquitaine France, Gobierno Vasco Spain, Forest Research