The Let’s Talk About Planted Forests webinar will take place on 4 October 2024 at 9.00 am CET (Paris time).
CO2 emission compensation, Carbon credit, ecosystem restoration, nature based solutions: plant a tree is in most cases considered as the best option to store carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. During this webinar, we will try to address some of the issue related to this affirmation: how much will we store in forest plantation? What uncertainty is related to Climate change? How the money from carbon market can arrive in forest plantations?
Feel free to ask any questions related to plantations and C sequestration to our experts.
Registrations are now closed (The replay will be available soon – access will be restricted to IEFC members)
Speakers and topics

Loretta Garrett - Forest Soil Scientist

Serajis Salekin - Forest Scientist

Ander Arias González - Head of the Forestry Research Department

Simon Martel - Research Fellow
Webinar presentation - Lifting the profile of soil carbon
Webinar presentation - Carbon sequestration potential of plantation forest in New Zealand: No single species is universally best
Webinar presentation - Forest soils and CC mitigation. Some thoughts from the Basque Country
Webinar presentation - The CRCF, a European certification framework to increase carbon financing for forest?
Loretta Garrett is a Forest Soil Scientist at Scion (New Zealand Forest Research Institute Ltd). She specialises in biogeochemical research including long-term nutrient supply, sustainable forest management, forest carbon and environmental monitoring. She has 23 years research experience and is one of New Zealand’s leading experts in maintaining the productive capacity of planted forests. She has been involved in a range of projects including the impact of harvest removal on site sustainability, climate change impacts on soil processes and delivery of ecosystem services, the environmental fate of herbicides, and the development of soil and foliage spectroscopy methods for cost-effective nutrient testing. Her current research is focused on long-term sustainable forestry and deep soil carbon.
Serajis Salekin is a broadly trained Forest Scientist at Scion (New Zealand Forest Research Institute), driven to understand forest growth dynamics of both mono- and mixed-species plantation as well as natural forests. His research navigates through forest productivity modelling, ecology, and ecophysiology. So far Serajis has worked in a wide variety of forest ecosystems, including native and plantation forests.
Coming Soon
Simon joined I4CE in 2023 to work on carbon certification and its role in incentivizing the forest and agriculture sectors for the transition. He is focusing on the French label Bas-Carbone certification scheme and the European carbon removal certification framework.
Before joining I4CE, Simon has worked as a national climate and forest expert for the French public agency in charge of sustainable management of private forests (CNPF). He also experienced a research engineer position on forest dynamic modelling at INRAE.
Simon is a graduate of Agroparistech engineer school.
Registrations are now closed (The replay will be available soon – access will be restricted to IEFC members)
This event is co-organized by the IEFC, the IUFRO task force “Resilient Planted Forest Serving Society & Bioeconomy” and the EFI Research Network on Planted Forests