
AFORCE – Un réseau français pour l’adaptation des forêts au changement climatique – Atelier Incendies 2024

Quelles perspectives pour prévenir les risques en contexte de changement climatique ? Les 20 et 21 mars 2024 Amphithéâtre A0.04Campus AgroParisTech-Saclay22 place de l’AgronomieCS 20040 - 91 123 Palaiseau Cedex(cf. les modalités d’accès au Campus ici ) La participation à cet événement est gratuite mais l’inscription est obligatoire avant le 13 mars 2024, dans la […]

Webinar – Let’s Talk About Planted Forests – 29 March 2024

Join us online to discuss on our next theme This month, Let’s Talk About Planted Forests webinar will focus on Robot for Silviculture and Automatic Planting Machine. More information and registration here This event is co-organized by the IEFC, the IUFRO task force “Resilient Planted Forest Serving Society & Bioeconomy” and the EFI Research Network […]

Carbon sequestration: challenges and opportunities

Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux, France

Programme et inscription : https://www.usse-eu.org/fr/noticias/jornada-internacional-sobre-el-secuestro-de-carbono-sus-retos-y-oportunidades-el-10-de-abril-en-burdeos

Colloque « Forêt européenne : entre passé et futur »

Organisé par le Groupe d'Histoire des Forêts Françaises, l'Académie d'Agriculture de France et le GIP Ecofor Dates : 6 et 7 mai 2024Première journée : 09h30 - 18hSeconde journée : 9h15 - 18h30 Lieu : Fondation Singer-Polignac / visioconférence Plus d'informations et inscription ici : https://www.singer-polignac.org/fr/missions/sciences/colloques/la-foret-europeenne-entre-passe-et-futur 

Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources

May 13 to 17, 2024 - Hondarribia, Basque Country, Spain Since 1975, SSAFR has been the premier international forum for forest systems analysis, operations research (OR) and decision science (https://sites.warnercnr.colostate.edu/ssafr2021/previous-editions/). Programme

Rencard du savoir «Forêts en danger : prévenir l’embrasement»

Ce café-débat est organisé par le service culture de l'université de Bordeaux dans le cadre des Rencards du savoir. Plus nombreux, plus intenses, plus rapides. Avec des étés plus secs, les feux de forêts deviennent une menace croissante. Mais si le changement climatique souffle sur les braises d’un problème tant environnemental que sociétal, ses causes […]

MSCA MaRaThoN – University of Padua – Master your Research and Training Needs

University of Padua, Italy

The University of Padua will organize a new in person edition of the MSCA MaRaThoN@University of Padua - Master your Research and Training Needs from 22 to 24 May 2024. This programme is addressed to top researchers, willing to submit a Horizon Europe - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship with the University of Padua (Italy) as […]

Webinar N°1 – FIRE-RES – Innovation Actions

FIRE-RES first webinar on Innovation actions highlights and results with a focus on fire risk prevention innovative tools. Registration More information about FIRE-RES: click here

IEFC General Assembly – 2024

IEFC – Annual General Assembly will take place on: 4-5 June 2024, in Forest Research, Scotland, United Kingdom. This event is open to everyone, and we believe it will be a great opportunity for participants to network and exchange knowledge. Additionally, it will also be the perfect occasion to celebrate and participate in the 25th […]

26th IUFRO WORLD CONGRESS – Stockholm 2024

The IUFRO World Congress is one of the largest global forest events, held every five years since 1893. The congress gives a unique opportunity to gather worldwide leading scientists and top leaders to contribute and co-create for a sustainable future within forestry, climate and society – aligned with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable […]