To buy, sell, trade or pass on a forest or forest plot, it is essential to know how to determine its value.
However, this is an asset, a very specific, long-term investment, and we provide here the methods
you need to estimate the value yourself or to understand the opinions of experts. A number of
questions are addressed in the supplement, calculated for maritime pine in the Landes de
Gascogne: what is the minimum value at which land should be rented for solar farms? How can we
take advantage of changes in wood prices? How do forests compare with other investment
opportunities? What role does woodland play in a well-balanced portfolio? What is the impact of
storm risk and fire risk? And finally what is the value of eucalyptus, a highly productive but frost intolerant species?
This book is aimed at forest owners, potential investors, engineers and forestry experts.
273 pages, 111 figures, 41 tables
Available one amazon.fr, amazon.com…
format : 21.6 x 27.9 cm ; 794 g
35.01 incl. VAT, postage included