Biodiversité and Conservation Biology in Plantation Forests

Bordeaux, France, 26-29 April 2005 – Past event

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The Conference will be organized by
IEFC (Institut Européen de la Forêt Cultivée), Bordeaux, France and
INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique), Bordeaux and Paris, France
under auspice of
IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations), Division 8;
WWF (World Wildlife Fund), Forests for Life Programme;
EFI (European Forest Institute), Joensuu, Finland


CNRS, Centre de recherche Paul Pascal, Talence-Bordeaux, France
Tramway station : Doyen BRUS
(Under the D of Doyen on the Map)


During the past decades natural forests have continued to decline globally while the area of forest plantations has dramatically increased, to nearly 200 million hectares in 2000. In the meantime, biodiversity conservation and the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem stability arose as major issues in both ecological sciences and public concern. Because the impact of plantation forests on biodiversity conservation is controversial, their ongoing expansion raises several questions: What threats and benefits to biodiversity can we expect from plantation forests? What is the functional significance of biodiversity in plantation forests? How could new practices help plantation forest to meet different objectives, including biodiversity conservation? The main objective of the conference will be to provide new scientific insights into this debate.

During the conference, biodiversity issues will be considered at the species, community and ecosystem levels. They will focus on three main types of plantation forests: short-rotation pulp and fuelwood systems, long rotation timber plantations and planted forests established for the protection of watersheds, mountain slopes or other fragile lands.

Conference format:

The expected attendance is 100 participants. Concurrent sessions will not be organized.
The Conference will be organized as a series of 5 sessions. A session lasts half a day (3 working hours). It consists in

Wednesday 27 April


Welcome adresses: Jactel, H., Fauconneau, B., Carnus, J.M., Sayer, J., Parrotta, J., Franc, A.

Session 1: Biodiversity patterns and dynamics in plantation forests vs.other habitats


Quine, C. 

Keynote : Stand management and biodiversity: evidence, opportunities and constraints


Buscardo, E.

The effects of afforestation on biodiversity of grasslands in Ireland


Coffee break


Coote, L.

Epiphytes of Sitka spruce in Irish plantation forests


Mosseler, A.

Pine plantations as nurse crops for development of late-successional forest types in eastern Canada


Smith, G.F.

Biodiversity and management across the forest cycle in even-aged Sitka spruce and ash plantations in Ireland


Stephens, S.S.

Do plantations reduce biodiversity?



Session 2: Plantation forests and biodiversity conservation at the landscape level


Brockerhoff, E.

Keynote: Contribution of planted forests to biodiversity: Considerations at the landscape level


Barbaro, L.

The scale-dependent  role of spatial heterogeneity for biodiversity conservation in pine plantation forests


Berndt, L.A.

Native beetles in an exotic landscape: investigating the conservation value of plantation forests 


Deconchat, M.

Vegetation dynamics in old and new woodlots : useful knowledge to improve plant diversity in plantations 


Coffee break


Marchetti, M.

Forest plantation and landscape ecology: a case study near Rome


Nasi, R.

Impact of corridor design and management in a large-scale industrial tropical plantation landscape


Olson, D.H. 

Conservation strategy for a rare salamander species in a managed forest landscape


Poster session


Thursday 28 April


Field trip

Maritime pine plantation forest management, experiments about biodiversity restoration and functional biodiversity at the landscape level, and conservation issues in public plantation forest on sand dunes



Friday 29 April

Session 3: Role of biodiversity on plantation forest functioning and resistance to perturbations


Parrotta, J.

Keynote: Ecosystem functions in planted forests: the role of biodiversity


Branco, M.

Effects of biodiversity in eucalyptus pest and their potential biocontrol agents


Hawkins, C.

Impacts of glyphosate herbicide treatment on species diversity, tree growth, and forest health 


Jactel, H.

Increasing tree diversity can enhance pine plantations resistance to forest pest at different spatial scales


Koricheva, J.

Effects of tree stand diversity on insect herbivory


Coffee break

Session 4: Effects of plantation forest sylviculture on biodiversity 


Pawson, S.

Impact of clearfell harvest size on coleopteran biodiversity


Seabra, C.

Effects of slash management on the abundance and diversity of soil fauna from a Eucalyptus plantation


Wang, D.H. 

Thinning practice influence on microclimate, ground vegetation and stand structure on Taiwania plantation


Wessell, S.J.

Effects of thinning and leave islands on biodiversity in US Pacific Northwest managed forests


Werntze, A.

Modelling the effects of different harvesting scenarios on biodiversity and economic values in NZ plantation forests



Session 5: Towards better practices for plantations: Biodiversity and Sustainable Management


Sayer, J.

Keynote: Towards better practice for conserving biodiversity in plantation forestry 


King, H. 

Managing forest plantations for biodiversity conservation and timber production in Taiwan


Marjokorpi, A

Management of biodiversity in tropical fast-growing forest plantations: a review


Maturana, J. 

Diversity and importance of natural resources for communities living in areas of fast-wood tree plantations


Coffee break


Rusch, V.

Integration of spatial scales for the conservation of biodiversity in forest plantations


Salas Gonzalez, R.

Relationship between biodiversity and structure indices in Maritime pine forests – usefulness in forest management


Wagner, S.

Alternative silvicultural strategies for forest plantation establishment, management and functional conformity


General discussion


Branco, M. 

Biodiversity of arthropods sheltered in Pine Processionary Moth nests

de Somviele, B.

Dead wood helps: the role of woody debris in controlling insect outbreaks

Fry, D.A.

Biodiversity impacts of short rotation willow coppice in upland Wales, UK


Biodiversity and conservation perspectives in the management of indigenous scarabaeid plantation forestry pests

Huff, R.D.

Survey and Manage: a thorough evaluation of a rare species management program


Possible scenario for the restoration of plantation and forest landscape in Central Italy

Olson, D.H. 

Riparian reserves and aquatic-riparian vertebrates in Oregon managed forests

Olson, D.H. 

Biodiversity issues in US Pacific Northwest managed forests


Plantations and Sustainability Criteria of the 4th MCPFE: A typology of plantation planning through scenario analysis


Target programs of reproduction of Scotch Pine raw materials base


The effect of “N” “P” “K” fertilizers on hand planting of  Pinus pinea in coastal zone of Caspian sea

Rousi, M.

Is clonal forestry risky – a case study with white birch

Scherrer-Lorenzen, M

A global network of biodiversity experiments in plantation forests 

Suchomel, J.

Biodiversity of small mammals of plantage forests ecosystem of south Moravia (Czech Republic)

Van Halder, I.

Species diversity of butterflies in pine plantation forests

Wessell, S.J.

Community structure of vascular plants, arthropods, amphibians, and mollusks in managed forests of the US Pacific Nort

Vehviläinen, H.

Moose and vole browsing patterns in experimentally manipulated pure and mixed forest stands

Augustin, S.

Ground beetle biodiversity in poplar stands of the Picardie Region.