The Pan-European Network for Climate Adaptive Forest Restoration and Reforestation (PEN-CAFoRR), a network of experts from Europe and beyond addressing the entire cycle of forest restoration and reforestation in different ecosystems, has recently published its “Actions website” to broaden the dissemination of knowledge and facilitate an increased scale of planning and implementation of its Climate Adaptive Forest Restoration and Reforestation programs.
More than two billion hectares of degraded areas worldwide can be restored. Timely reforestation following harvest, disturbances and land abandonment is lagging in many countries; and forest management could be sustainably intensified to sequester more carbon and at the same time promote biodiversity.
Creating a common European perspective for climate adaptive restoration of degraded forest ecosystems and reforestation will improve the success of these programs by providing an evidence background for guidelines and decision support systems.
It is for this reason that PEN-CAFoRR endeavors to provide new guidelines for setting restoration and reforestation goals, decision making on needs and ways of restoration, selection, production and quality control of targeted forest reproductive material, establishment techniques, and post-planting protection and siviculture.
Compared to existing efforts, a vital and innovative approach of PEN-CAFoRR Action is in assembling a wide international network of experts into interdisciplinary teams working intensively In Action’s Working Groups to meet the specific research objectives. PEN-CAFoRR Action’s activities will increase the mobility of researchers, especially young scientists with early-development careers and scientists from institutions with limited resources.
PEN-CAFoRR is supported by COST (The European Cooperation in Science and Technology). COST is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. It aims to help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers.
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By: Hubert Cosico (IEFC)