
IPC 27th Session

Poplars and other fast-growing trees for climate change mitigation and adaptation - Pathways to climate resilience and carbon neutral societies More information

OECD Cooperative research programme conference

International Conference New Zealand 2025 The purpose of this flyer is to gather interest in such an event and to encourage feedback on timing and the scope of agenda to […]

9° Congreso Forestal Español

El Congreso Forestal Español (CFE) es el evento más importante que organiza la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales (SECF). Se celebra cada cuatro años y constituye el principal foro de […]

Salon FOREXPO – Mimizan (Landes)

Salon européen de la filière forêt-bois Tous les quatre ans, au cœur du plus grand massif forestier dédié à la production, un événement d'envergure internationale se tient sur un site […]