3 events organised by IEFC in November – register now!
The IEFC General Assembly will be held in Bordeaux on the afternoon of 10 November. We expect to have enough participants to set up simultaneous translation. Don’t miss this unique
The IEFC General Assembly will be held in Bordeaux on the afternoon of 10 November. We expect to have enough participants to set up simultaneous translation. Don’t miss this unique
The position is a short term contract of 18 months based in Cestas, Bordeaux Pierroton, France. Starting as soon as possible in 2021. The profile can be downloaded bellow and
Following the IEFC Board meeting in September, we are pleased to inform you that the next IEFC General Meeting will take place on 19 November from 14:00 CET to 17:00
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. plantations in the Iberian Peninsula occupy nearly 1.5 Million ha but Millions of Euros are being lost due to growth decreases caused by insect defoliation. The existence
Epigenetics is the science that analyzes the modification of gene expression as a function of the environment. Since trees cannot move, it is obvious that gene response to climate change
Under the scope of the MARCSMAN project, a PhD study focusing on snow and wind damage in actively managed Norway spruce forests in Norway has been started by Peter Zubkoc
Since 2010, there has been a resurgence of softwood tapping in Spain, Portugal and southwestern France. Through this operation, oleoresin rich in molecules of the terpene and polyphenolic families as
Due to global change, forests are exposed to unprecedented threats from non-native pests and pathogens (PnPs). In Europe, their number has increased and continues to increase dramatically. Currently, the greatest
Managing forests sustainably in a changing world – A conference to conclude GenTree Members of the GENTREE project in front of the University of Avignon GENTREE was a 4 year
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