
Dynamic model (Model with time step)

IEFC - Models for Forest - Add or Update Dynamic model

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Use add button to add a new item in a list
Modelling approach
Model category
Model type
Model sub-type
Primary unit of simulation
Time step
Time scale
Model Identification
Model Name
(Multi select)
Range of applicability
Region where the model can be used
(HTML welcome)
Forest sites where the model can be used
(HTML welcome)
Forest composition
Forest structure
Forest Species Handled by the model
(Multi select - use Ctl)
Sylvicultural system
Tree range
(HTML welcome)
Stand range
(HTML welcome)
Modèle structure - Modules for state variables
List of states variables : stand variables
Growth module Initialization module Prediction module Stochasticity for
List of states variables : diameter distribution variables
Growth module Initialization module Prediction module Stochasticity for
List of states variables : tree variables
Growth module Initialization module Prediction module Stochasticity for
Modèle structure - sub-modules for natural processes
Growth processes
(Multi select)
Regeneration processes at stand level
(Multi select)
Regeneration processes at sapling level
(Multi select)
(Multi select)
Modèle structure - Sub-modules for sylvicultural practices
Sylvicultural practicies
(Multi select)
Modèle structure - List of environmental variables
(Multi select)
State variables
(Multi select)
Human variables
(Multi select)
Climate variables
(Multi select)
State Variable
(Multi select)
Quantity of products
(Multi select)
Pulp wood quality
(Multi select)
Construction quality
(Multi select)
Cork quality
(Multi select)
Stand simulator
Software Name
(Multi select)
Current Version
Operating system
Programming language
Software charateristics
(Multi select)
Sustainability SS_indicators
(Multi select)
visualization module
(Multi select)
Landscape/Region simulators/dss
Software name
Current Version
Operating system
Programming language
Software charateristics
(Multi select)
Sustainability SL_indicators
(Multi select)
visualization module
(Multi select)
(Multi select)
Bibliography and comments
(HTML welcome)
Message to FORMIS Administrator
(HTML welcome)
This message for FORMIS administrator is supposed to help him to find the equations that are part of your model, it can include equations or any usefull comment that can help him. This link between FOREMODEL datbase and FORMIS database has been initiated in the frame of the cost action FP0603
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