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The multi-actor network for sustainable management and resilience of planted forests
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Webinar – Let’s Talk About Planted Forests – 4 october 2024
Carbon Sequestration in Plantations
IPC 27th Session - 22-25 October 2024 - Bordeaux, France
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About us

IEFC aims to promote, facilitate and improve the future resilience and sustainability of planted forests in Europe


Founded in 1998, this association aims to facilitate and coordinate exchanges between stakeholders in research, education and the forestry sector. From 2009, the IEFC has slowed down its activity to support the EFI regional office for the Atlantic arc regions and since 2018 the EFI platform for plantation forests. In 2020, following the closure of the EFI regional offices in France, the association hired a director and staff to ensure the animation of the network and the coordination of activities and projects on the topic of planted forests.


IEFC is a transnational network of scientific and technical cooperation for the sustainable management of cultivated forests. IEFC brings together more than 30 organizations: research institutes, technical centers, universities, engineering schools, insurance companies, cooperatives and professional organizations. Any legal entity can become a member and participate in networking activities (thematic groups, events), as well as in the setting up and implementation of collaborative research and development projects. IEFC Membership provides access to a broad scientific and technological expertise and privileged contacts.


IEFC promotes sharing of experience and capacities between its members and more broadly with actors involved in the sustainable management and use of planted forests. Among these long-term activities resulting from the IEFC network, we can mention the REINFFORCE network, the IUFRO Task Force on planted forests, or the Silvalert application produced by the PLURIFOR project. This activity is carried out within the European Union as expected of a European association. Do not hesitate to contact us to share your ideas and initiatives or to join the association.
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Our ongoing projects


With 11 Living Labs, the FIRE-RES project aims to implement an Integrated Fire Management approach and support the transition toward more resilient landscapes and communities to Extreme Wildfire Events in Europe. Explore the living lab of Nouvelle-Aquitaine.


Led by INRAe, Alliance Forêt Bois and IEFC, this project aims to bring together local stakeholders to experiment with the deployment of broadleaved species hedgerows and study their impact on the biodiversity and resilience of maritime pine stands in the Landes area.


Research infrastructure for adaptation to climate change. REINFFORCE2 will provide solutions thanks to the climatic gradient along the Interreg Atlantic area to anticipate climate change effects on coastal forests, simulating a global warming of 6°C.



September 2024
Sep 25
25 September 2024

The European Institute of Planted Forest (IEFC) is hosting a series of webinars to introduce the project’s Innovation Actions to the public. After the successful kick-off in May, we are […]

October 2024
Oct 04
04 October 2024

Join us online to discuss on our next theme This month, Let’s Talk About Planted Forests webinar will focus on Carbon Sequestration in Plantations. More information and registration here This […]

Oct 08
08 October 2024

L’assemblée générale du projet FIRE-RES est un événement organisé par l’IEFC, en collaboration étroite avec l’équipe coordinatrice du projet (CTFC) ainsi que ses partenaires locaux (SDIS, Municipalité et Office de […]


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