IEFC first webinar will take place on the
18th of March 2022 at 2pm CET
This month, Let’s Talk About Planted Forests will address the subject of seed availability and the impact on plantation. To discuss this subject, the IEFC invited 3 experts:
Matt Parratt – Forest Research
Matt Parratt joined Forest Research in 1994 as a seed analyst following initial training as an agricultural seed analyst and crop inspector. In 2003 he transferred his skills from seeds to saplings and trees and now has a diverse portfolio ranging from large scale field trial management to knowledge exchange and botanical training. He works on a wide range of projects managing large scale trials investigating potential species and provenances in relation to forestry with future climate change, alternative silvicultural systems, integrated vegetation management, Chalara ash dieback tolerance in common ash, and the integrated management of the Hylobius in forests.
During the webinar Matt Parratt, will address the situation in Great Britain, not forgetting Sitka spruce case of course!
Brigitte Musch et Joël Conche – ONF and Biofora
Brigitte Mucsh is a geneticist in the research and development department of the Office national des forêts (ONF). She is responsible for the Conservatoire génétique des arbres forestiers (CGAF) at the ONF.
She will speak about the situation in France, on behalf of her colleague Joël Conche, national seed and plant expert at the Office national des forêts (ONF).
Susana Carneiro – Centro Pinus – Luís Fontes – Altri Florestal
Susana Carneiro is Executive Director of Centro Pinus in Portugal. Centro Pinus is a non-profit association that brings together the main players in the pine sector, including representatives from forestry production, service providers, industry, public administration, higher education and the financial sector.
She will talk about seed supply: will we have enough seed today and in the future for our plantations? In what quantity, quality or from what origins, taking into account climate change.
Luís Fontes is Research and Development Manager at Altri Florestal and is also responsible for the eucalyptus seed production in the company. Luís will present the eucalyptus mass controlled pollination programme carried out at Altri which is a unique approach for large scale E. globulus seed production. A synopsis of Altri’s R&D in Portugal will be provided
This event is co-organized by the IEFC, the IUFRO task force “Resilient Planted Forest Serving Society & Bioeconomy” and the EFI Planted Forest Network