Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources
5th framework accompanying measure Key Action 5.3 – QLK5-CT-2002-3022
IMACFORD : « Improving and Advancing Co-ordination of Forest Research and Development in Europe » –
General coordinator : EFI
Partners :
IEFC is the coordinator of Task B1 » Development of an integrated interdisciplinary network for the sustainable management and utilisation of fast growing forest resources »
MEDFOREX coordinates Task B2 « Development of an integrated interdisciplinary network for the sustainable management of Mediterranean forests
Final report (without annexes)
Meetings outputs
List of end-users expectations towards research (synthesis of the 3 regional workshops)
Proceedings of the thematic groups meetings: forest management, tree breeding, wood quality
Research questions (working document 02/27/2003)
General documents
IMACFORD technical annex
Defintive agenda of IMACFORD Task B1 project
Brochure on IMACFORD task B1 project
Meeting on forest management – Lousã, Portugal, 18 and 19 October 2002
Synthesis of the meeting on Forest Management
List of participants
Programme of the meeting
Slides of the presentations
List of technological innovations and potential research topics
Meeting on tree breeding and biotechnologies – Vitoria, Spain, 15 November 2002 List of participants
Programme of the meeting
Slides of the presentations
Matrix for research needs in tree improvement
Meeting on wood quality and wood products – Bordeaux, France, 12 December 2002
Synthesis of the meeting on wood quality and wood products
List of participants
Programme of the meeting
Slides of the presentations
Group reports
Regional Workshop with end-users – Bordeaux, France, 27 and 28 February 2003
Programme of the workshop (only in french)
List of participants
Synthesis of the workshop discussions (in english)
Slides of the resentations
Working group reports
Regional Workshop with end-users – Obidos, Portugal – 7 and 8 April 2003
Programme of the workshop (only in portuguese)
List of participants
Synthesis of the workshop discussions (in english)
Slides of the presentations
Work group reports
Regional Workshop with end-users – Santiago de Compostela, Spain – 15 May 2003
Programme of the workshop (only in spanish)
List of participants
Synthesis of the workshop discussions (in english)
Slides of the presentations
Final IMACFORD task B1 meeting – Dublin, Ireland – 2/4 July 2003
FOREVERT – Expression of Interest for the 6th Framework Programme
Download the Forevert Expression of Interest sent to the Commission on 7 June 2002
Download the Forevert Poster
Work Programme of FP 6 for thematic sub-priority Global Change and Ecosystems
Brochure of the open seminar « Forest Research and the FP6 – challenges and opportunities » EFI-ECOFOR – Paris, 25 November2003
Medforex Web site (coordinator of IMACFORD Task B2)
Project overview
The objective of this Accompanying Measure is to improve existing and develop new networking facilities in European forest research, and to adapt existing research structures to meet the new demands. The project leader is EFI.
The Accompanying Measure proposed here has therefore the following specific objectives:
(A) to arrange a series of four co-ordination meetings
(i) to exchange information and promote dialogue between the EU and the forest research community on the forestry-related research needs in the light of the forthcoming 6th Framework Programme and ERA, on one hand, and on the existing research capacities and networks in Europe in the field of forestry on the other (Task A1); and to
(ii) explore and develop a European Network of Regional/Thematic Centres for Forestry, in a manner which will contribute to the European Research Area in an appropriate and meaningful way (Task A2).
(B) to strengthen individual Regional/Thematic Centres for Forestry,
with a special emphasis on regional research skills and multidisciplinary needs, in liaison with interregional sustainable development and links between research, industry and end users. The aim is to prepare interdisciplinary research excellence networks, facilitated by inputs from end-users (Task B).
This project includes development plans of two such thematic networks as case studies : subtask B1 focusing on the sustainable development of forestry-wood chains in the context of fast-growing European forests and subtask B2 having as its topic the sustainable development of sustainable management of Mediterranean forests (coordinated by MEDFOREX).
The specific research questions that will be investigated relates to how scientific progress and technical innovations can contribute to the sustainable development of the forestry sector.
(C) as a result of (A) and (B), to produce pre-evaluated pan-European research programmes serving the needs of geographical and thematic networking between countries and disciplines, to meet the requirements of the European Research Area.
TASK B1 Program
This substask is managed by IEFC.
The main questions that will be addressed and discussed in this task will cover issues related to the deployment of new technologies and scientific progress in the forestry sector in terms of ecological and socio-economic acceptability, for example :
- What are the ecological requirements of improved tree varieties?
- How society reacts to the eventual deployment of biotechnologies in the forestry sector?
- In which way new wood products such as EWP are compatible with forest sustainability?
- Is intensive forest management for wood production compatible with society expectations?
- etc…
Five major interrelated scientific themes and technical issues will be covered:
This substask is managed by IEFC :
Workpackage number: |
B1 Development of integrated interdisciplinary research network for the sustainable management and utilisation of fast growing Forest Resources |
Start date: |
September 2002 |
Completion date: |
June 2003 |
Partners responsible |
Partner 2: IEFC Institut Européen de la Forêt Cultivée |
Objectives |
The task has three separate objectives: 1. to improve the research coordination at an interregional level 2. to provide a platform for dialogue with stakeholders and identification of research needs 3. to elaborate a framework for integrated interdisciplinary research programmes |
Deliverables |
Interim report, database (Month 2) Interim report: workshop discussion papers and research questions (Month 7) Final report: Strategic framework for integrated interdisciplinary research projects (Month 10) |
Milestones |
Meeting of thematic groups, Month 2 Regional workshops, Month 5 Meeting of thematic groups, Month 8 |
Through this project, we will build a thematic research network for answering to the following question : how to conciliate scientific progress and sustainable management in forest for each compartment : Reproductive material, sylviculture and wood products.
Workpackage B1 is divided into three sub-workpackages.
Sub-workpackage number: |
B1.1 Research network organisation and planning |
Start date: |
September 2002 |
Completion date: |
December 2002 |
Partners responsible |
Partner 2: IEFC Institut Européen de la Forêt Cultivée |
Objectives |
to arrange an initial meeting of the three thematic groups and an overall meeting with involvement of the scientists and some stakeholders, to plan the research network organisation. |
Deliverables |
Interim report |
Sub-workpackage number: |
B1.2 Consultation process and identification of research needs |
Start date: |
January 2003 |
Completion date: |
April 2003 |
Partners responsible |
Partner 2: IEFC Institut Européen de la Forêt Cultivée |
Objectives |
to arrange three regional workshops with scientists, stakeholders and end-users, and an overall synthesis meeting, in order to identify research needs. The achievement of task B1.2 will correspond with Workshop 2 (task A2.2) |
Deliverables |
Interim report |
Sub-workpackage number: |
B1.3 Elaboration of strategic framework for future research |
Start date: |
April 2003 |
Completion date: |
June 2003 |
Partners responsible |
Partner 2: IEFC Institut Européen de la Forêt Cultivée |
Objectives |
To arrange a final meeting of the three thematic groups to elaborate a strategic framework for future research and to organise dissemination . The achievement of task B1.3 will correspond with Workshop 3 (task A2.4) |
Deliverables |
Final report: strategic framework for integrated interdisciplinary research projects |
Project Team
The persons in charge of this project inside IEFC are mainly :
- Christophe Orazio, IEFC Director
- Jean-Michel Carnus, Director, INRA Bordeaux Forestry Research, France
- Prof. Margarida Tome, ISA Lisboa, programme manager, forest modelling and management, Portugal
- Antoine Colin, IEFC
- Dr. Christophe Plomion, INRA Bordeaux, tree genetics, France
- Prof. Patrick Castera, University of Bordeaux I, Wood Science, France
- Prof. Américo Mendes, University of Porto, Forest Economy, Portugal
- The project team will coordinate the project in liaison with a scientific committee including experts in the 5 major themes of the task.