Network of plots

Network of plots


Research Infrastructure for monitoring and adapting Forests to Climate changE

REINFFORCE1 has been an R&D infrastructure dedicated to the adaptation of forests to climate change since 2009. It is based on three components:

  • A network of 38 arboreta from Scotland to southern Portugal to anticipate the impact of climate change on existing species by growing them beyond their natural range.
  • A network of 41 demonstration sites in forests at high risk of damage, to compare current silvicultural practices with adaptive silviculture.
  • An online database where all the data collected is stored, consulted, and shared by the project members, based on common protocols. It is this coordination that enables harmonised data collection in order to monitor changes in the growth, health, phenology and biological life cycles of these tree species of interest for plantations in Europe’s Atlantic regions.

The network will expand by 2024 with new sites and equipment installation as part of REINFFORCE2.


A network of experimental mixed plantation

The main objective is to establish a long-term network of experimental mixed plantations called FORMIX (as in FORest MIXtures) to investigate biodiversity and forest ecosystem functioning relationships in the context of climate change. This network focuses on mixed species plantations that are relevant in terms of composition and management for forest owners and managers. The expected results are intended to be rapidly transferable to practitioners.

The FORMIX network comprises numerous experiments installed across 3 countries: France, Spain and Portugal.

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