Living Lab presentation
Within our Living Laboratory covering the entire area of the Landes de Gascogne, numerous organisations and regional administrations are participating in the successful implementation of the FIRE-RES project. Among the important partners who have supported us since the submission of the project, we should mention the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, the Arcachon Basin Union, the Landes de Gascogne Natural Park, and the Mimizan Community.

Organizational Chart of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Living Lab
Technical Actions
Fire Prevention:
The use of fire modeling software has allowed us to identify fire-prone areas by considering the meteorological conditions, topography, and types of fuel present in the area. This leads to a proposal of some restructuring of these areas to reduce the risk of extreme fire spread. Therefore, we plan to study the impacts of incorporating various realistic fuel types (agricultural edges, foliage, photovoltaics, etc.) into the landscape in collaboration with the Le Pays Bassin d’Arcachon-Val de l’Eyre (Barval) community to make the area more resistant and resilient to fires.

Maps generated by simulation software to estimate the probability of fire occurrence in the Landes and Gironde regions (left) and the potential spread of a fire starting in La Teste (right)
INRAE has also proposed the use of the FIRELIHOOD model based on a probabilistic approach to fire activity, which addresses a number of issues related to the use of weather danger indices. This metric, mainly used to define fire risk, lacks consideration for the variability of fire response to the available fuel and the stochastic nature of fire occurrence and spread.
Forest Owners’ Insurance:
A parametric insurance study based on fire spread outlines provided by the COPERNICUS satellite monitoring system and different ownership areas affected by the Landiras fires in 2022 has been conducted. This study aims to explore an alternative insurance system to provide greater compensation to owners while saving on the cost of insurance expertise in the field. An example of satellite analysis of parcels affected by the Landiras fire in 2022 is provided.

Example of satellite analysis of plots affected by the Landiras fire in 2022
Efficiency of Fire Response:
The severity of the 2022 fires in southwest France reminded us of the importance of firefighters’ response time. Improving simulation tools would make fire spread much more predictable, understandable, and therefore controllable and limited in extent. Currently, simulation tools are effective in evaluating fire behavior in an initial situation but lack real-time data refreshment. In the future, we hope to address this by studying drone technology for fire front updating, integrating real-time meteorological conditions, and predictive analysis of priority defense zones to provide decision support to the firefighters
Coordination and communication actions
IEFC has been responsible for coordinating various exchange meetings between the different stakeholders of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Living Laboratory. In order to better understand local issues and provide an effective technical and scientific response, it has been essential to discuss the needs of organizations dedicated to the defense of forests and the population from fires. In this regard, the IEFC coordinates meetings of the regional innovation committee on forest fires and keeps the roadmap of actions in connection with the project coordination up to date. An event recently took place in Biscarrosse and Mimizan where several organizations including INRAE, DFCI, SDIS40, CNPF-CRPF Aquitaine, the Municipalities of Mimizan and Biscarrosse, MISSO GROUPAMA, the Landes de Gascogne Natural Park, SYBARVAL, and the IEFC gathered.

Photos of the on-site meeting in Biscarrosse and indoor meeting in Mimizan on September 26, 2023.
It is also planned for IEFC to organize the project’s general assembly bringing together all partners in Mimizan in October 2024.
Communicating with the general public about forest fires is essential to raise awareness, inform people, and to mobilize society as a whole about the practices and challenges of our study area. In terms of public communication, an article on fires in the Landes de Gascogne was submitted to the FIRE-RES communication unit, posts on social media were published, and a public conference already took place on 25th November 2023 in Luxey. The objective of this conference was to share expertise and communicate the current state of fire risk management in the Landes de Gascogne forest. Presented by INRAE, SDIS40, ARDFCI, the Landes de Gascogne Natural Park, and IEFC, this conference provided an excellent platform for awareness, learning, and constructive dialogue on this crucial issue for the safety and preservation of the Landes de Gascogne forest. In this regard, we aim to contribute to other events in contact with the general public in the future, as the public is increasingly composed of people who have recently moved to the countryside and who need to develop a fire risk culture.

Photos of the public conference held at Les Cigales hall in Luxey on 25/11/2023.