DEFOR Project: ‘DEvelopment of FORest’

Project INTERREG III B Sudoe :

The main goal of DEFOR project is to test implementation of technical innovations for the SMIs and SMEs of the forest sector with pilot actions at any level of the forestry chain. The project is ending in June 2008.

  • Selection of high quality plants and improvement of seedling production in Portugal,
  • Improvement of plant breeding techniques and assessment of quality indicators for production nurseries of Galicia and Asturias,
  • Development of hardwood silviculture in order to provide a local resource to wood industries in Valencian region,
  • Assessment of extraction techniques with cable-masts and light machinery to improve forest exploitation and mobilization of Pyrenean wood resource,
  • Test of a group logistic solution for PMEs in Dordogne and in the Landes forests
  • Creation of a database on the advantages and disadvantages of wood material compared to the competing materials


THE PARTNERS Débardage par câble mât

Seven teams working on research and development from Spain, Portugal and South West of France participate to this project and try to find solutions to the specific issues of their regions:

AIDIMA– Instituto Technologico del Mueble, Madera, Embalaje y Afines (Valencia, Espana)

DGRF– Direcção Geral dos Recursos Florestais (Lisboa, Portugal)

Institut FCBA Station sud-est et Station sud-ouest (France)

ISA – Instituto Superior de Agronomia (Lisboa, Portugal)

TRAGSA (Galicia, Espana)

SERIDA – Servicio Regional de Investigacion y de Desarrollo Agroalimentario (Asturias, Espana)

The details of the technical answers and dates of pilot actions demonstrations are presented in this website… as well as a database in favour of wood material (in 2008).


(Click on the titles to open the documents)

Description of the project on INTERREG IIIB SOE official website

General presentation of the project: POSTER in French, en English, and LEAFLETS in French, Spanish, or Portuguese


DEFOR exhibited its results on a booth in
FOREXPO from June 11-13, 2008 in Bordeaux (France).
A presentation of logistic solutions developed for forest SMEs was held at DEFOR’s booth on Thursday, June 12 and on Wednesday at FIBA’s booth.For more information watch the video below !!

28th May 2008: FCBA institute organized a demonstration of ‘Mechanized log extraction in slopes’ in the Pyrénées (Forêt de Lies, 65) open to all public. Around 60 people from France and the Basque Country attended this demonstration.

2d June 2008 : A demonstration of logistic tools based on New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC) developed for the small and medium forest entreprises took place at the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie (CCI) of Dordogne in PERIGUEUX (France). This meeting was organized by FCBA Institute and Interbois Périgord.

Program :
– Overview of the existing software and equipment supply for timber yard management,
– Example of the solution tested in the Landes de Gascogne. Testimony of professionals; method implemented,
– Presentation of the main technologies for wood identification and traceability management (Project Indisputable Key),
– Discussion and debate.



Action 1.1 – Implementation of logistics solutions for forest SMEs

Elements for comparing the forest-wood-paper chain standards

Call for Support to Maitrise d’ouvrage and Implementation of a demonstrator for logistics

Contact : Mr R. Emeyriat, FCBA Station Sud ouest, +33 5 57 88 82 33.

Action 1.2 – Improvement of production efficiency and plant quality in forest nurseries in Galicia and the Asturias (Spain)

Work progress: 7th Feb 2008 visit report

II Days of technological transfer in Maceda, 23-25th April 2008 on Genetic and external quality of forest reproduction material : main conclusions.

Main results of TRAGSA’s activity: POSTER “Forest nursery plant Exterior Quality Targets by optimization of frost resistance and root growth potential”– June 2008

TRAGSA’s FINAL ACTIVITY REPORT (available in Spanish)

Contact in TRAGSA : Mr Lario, +34 988 46 36 00 ; Contact in SERIDA : Mr Majada, +34 985 75 13 23

Action 1.3 – Improvement of seedling production in nurseries (Portugal)


Characterization of existing organic composts (Presentation 6th Nov 2007, ISA)

Benefits of seed storage (Presentation 6th Nov 2007, ISA)

Technological transfer meetings in Lisbon:

> November 6th, 2007 : Report (in French)

> March 18th, 2008

Intermediate activity report : first results (in Portuguese)

Download activity 1.3 POSTER (in Portuguese and French)

The Direcção Geral dos Recursos Florestais of Lisbon produced a book to support forest managers, stakeholders, nurseries, etc. in their choice between the best portuguese forest species origins, available here: SYNTHESIS on PROVENANCES (portuguese)

Contact at DGRF: D. Ribeiro, +351 213 124 800; Contact at ISA : M.H. Almeida, + 351 21 365 3348

Action 1.4 – Forest exploitation in mountain
Cable synthetique

State of the art of cable yarding in France

Report of Austrian trip

Firsts conclusions on synthetic cables

Extraction with synthetic cable : first conclusions of a Pyrenean trial

Two information lealflets from FCBA are available below (in French only) on the following topics:
FIF n°754 : “Exploitation en montagne : évolutions récentes des techniques de débardage”
FIF n°758 : “Le parc des engins forestiers sur la chaîne forestière française”

The FINAL ACTIVITY REPORT of action 1.4 and its technical appendices are downloadable here.

For additional information about these innovations, suppliers and training etc., please contact FCBA Sud Est Institute on + (Contact: Mr Magaud), even after the end of project.

Video : Use of a synthetic cable on a skidder for harvesting wood in mountainous area (July 2007, by FCBA)

Action 1.5 – Development of hardwood silviculture in the Valencian region (Spain)

Cable synthetique
The industry demand for high quality wood has been increasing in the last years in Spain, and particularly in the Valencian region. It seemed necessary to study local wood production potentialities to provide high quality products in this region. In the framework of DEFOR, AIDIMA carried out surveys and prospections, and produced a handbook on broadleaves plantations with practical information on :
– Site selection and preparation acoording to the target species,
– Quality requirements and assessment depending on the final objective,
– Silvicultural practices leading to this quality level.

This handbook published in Spanish is available at AIDIMA (Contact: G. Verhaeghe, +34 96 136 60 70) or (
Cf. Presentation of the handbook

Action 2 – Implementation of a database for scientific and technical data on wood material competitiveness

Wood is probably the most interesting material in terms of technical potential relatively to its sustainable nature and low ecological print. From tree to any kind of wood product, its various assets should bring it to the first places in the future and open the way to new utilizations.

To have a greater impact, wood promotion has to be well documented, thanks to :
-scientific studies of wood properties, ecological impact and resource sustainability,
-comparison studies between wood and the various competitive materials when available,
-information from impartial and objective sources (public institutions, public research and technical centres).

This database was created by IEFC in the framework of DEFOR project. By clicking on questions or thanks to keyword requests, you will be provided with bibliographic references with abstracts and links to full texts on the chosen themes, within a pool of 282 documents.