Committee list

Comittee list

The IEFC is member of

IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations): Coordination task force IUFRO et de l’unité Unit 8.03.0

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) : Comittee on Forestry

EFI (European forest Institute)

FOREXT (Forest Extension network)


France Douglas

List of committees in which IEFC is involved


2018 : Scientific Committee and Organising Committee of the World Forestry Congress for planted forests

2019-2024 : Coordination task force Resilient planted forests serving society and bioeconomy

Scientific & Technical

Since 2010 : Publisher associated with the Spanish Journal of Rural Development

Since 2014 : Scientific Committee of the competitiveness cluster XYLOFUTUR

Since 2015 : Scientific Committee of parc naturel régional des Landes de Gascogne

Since 2016 : Associate editor of «Annales des Sciences Forestières»

Since 2020 : Scientific Committee MISSO GROUPAMA

Since 2021 : Publisher associated with Frontier

Steering Committee

Since 2015 : Sustainable management indicators – French forests 2020 – IFN.

Actions COST

PEN-CAFoRR – COST Action CA19128 : Pan-European Network

CA22141 – Integrated DSS for delivery of ecosystem services based on EU forest policies (DSS4ES)


L’IEFC est membre de :

APACOM (Association des Professionnels de la Communication)

Club de la Presse de Bordeaux