Categoria: Recursos genéticos
Investigação sobre resiliência e bioeconomia do pinheiro bravo: Contribuição do projeto europeu B4EST
O consórcio B4EST está a organizar um simpósio sobre investigação para a resiliência e bioeconomia do pinho marítimo. Registe-se agora!
How to accelerate breeding and afforestation efforts with valuable conifers?
Using somatic embryogenesis as a means to supply and mix adapted varieties in an economic way to encounter the climate crisis: the project MULTIFOREVER develops new strategies. In a context
Use of genetic forest resources to face climate change
The results of a recently published study by the GenTree project show that, although forest managers support the use of different forest genetic resources, adapting their planting strategies to cope
Gene expression modification toward climate change adaptation (EPI-CATCH COST Action)
Epigenetics is the science that analyzes the modification of gene expression as a function of the environment. Since trees cannot move, it is obvious that gene response to climate change
Genética para o resgate
Gestão Florestal Sustentável num Mundo em Mudança – Uma Conferência para Concluir a GenTree Membros do projeto GENTREE em frente à Universidade de Avinhão O projeto GENTREE de quatro anos