Features of Model for Forest Management and decision support
Model Name : Fagacées-Hêtre
Forest Model name | Fagacées-Hêtre |
Last update | 2006-03-02 |
Year | 1996 |
Author | Jean-François Dhôte |
Contact | |
Organisation | ENGREF; INRA |
Country | France |
Category | Growth |
Model type | Empirical growth & Yield models |
Sub-type | Distance independent tree model |
Level | Stand/plot |
Time step | |
Time scale | |
Stochasticity | |
Range of applicabiilty (region, ...) | Geogr. : northern half France Stands : almost pure, even-aged Beech Age : 10-200 years Time resolution : 3 years Silvics : "diffuse" thinnings of any weight, type and rotation are acceptable ; predictions correct iff stand Rdi larger than 0.4 ; outside, qualitatively sensible, few validation data available. |
Site | |
Stand composition | |
Forest structure | |
Species | Fagus sylvatica |
Sylvicultural system | |
Tree range | |
Stand range | |
State variables - Growth | |
State variables - Initialization | |
State variables - Prediction | |
State variables - Stochastic for | |
Distribution diameter variables - growth | |
Distribution diameter variables - initialization | |
Distribution diameter variables - prediction | |
Distribution diameter variables - stochasticity for | |
Tree variables - growth | |
Tree variables - Initialisation | |
Tree variables - prediction | |
Tree variables - stochasticity for | |
Growth processes | |
Regeneration processes at stand level | |
Regeneration processes at sapling level | |
Hazards | |
Submodule : Sylvicultural practicies | Silviculture: initial density and thinnings |
Submodel : Climate parameters | Mortality model; Stand/tree growth |
Input state variables | Age; Distribution of diameters; Dominant height |
Human inputs | |
Climate inputs | |
Output state variable | Dominant diameter; Dominant height; Individual tree characteristics: diameter, height..; Number of trees/ha; Total basal area; Total volume; Total yield |
Quantity products | |
Quality pulp | |
Quality construction | |
Quality cork | |
Simulator name | Fagacées |
Stand Simulator version | |
Stand Simulator hardware | |
Stand Simulator memory | |
Stand Simulator OS | |
Stand Simulator language | |
Stand Simulator characteristics | |
Stand Simulator indicators | |
Stand Simulator visualization | |
Landscape Simulator name | |
Landscape Simulator version | |
Landscape Simulator hardware | |
Landscape Simulator memory | |
Landscape Simulator OS | |
Landscape Simulator language | |
Landscape Simulator characteristics | |
Landscape Simulator indicators | |
Landscape Simulator visualization | |
Reference | |
Bibliography | Dhôte J.F., 1991. Modélisation de la croissance des hêtraies : dynamique des hiérarchies sociales et facteurs de production. Ann. Sci. forest., 48 (4), p. 389-416. Dhôte J.F., 1994. Hypotheses about competition for light and water in even-aged common beech (Fagus silvatica L.). For. Ecology and Management , 69, 219-232. Dhôte J.F., E. de Hercé, 1994. Un modèle hyperbolique pour l´ajustement de faisceaux de courbes hauteur-diamètre. Can. J. For. Res. 24, 9, 1782-1790. Dhôte J.F., 1995. Définition de scénarios d’éclaircie pour le Hêtre et le Chêne. Rev. For. Fr. XLVII, 106-110. Dhôte J.F., 1996. A model of even-aged beech stands productivity with process-based interpretations. Ann. Sc. For. 53, 1-20. Dhôte J.F., 1997. Effets des éclaircies sur le diamètre dominant dans des futaies régulières de Hêtre ou de Chêne sessile. Rev. For. Fr., XLIX, 6, p.557-578. Dhôte J.F., 1999. Compétition entre classes sociales chez le Chêne sessile et le Hêtre. Rev. For. Fr. LI, 2, p. 309-325. |
Equations | |
Context | |