
Features of Model for Forest Management and decision support

Model Name : ASPECTS

Forest Model name ASPECTS
Last update 2001-10-08
Year 2001
Author Daniel Rasse & Louis Francois
Email Contact
Organisation Université de Liège
Country Belgium
Category Growth
Model type Empirical growth & Yield models
Sub-type Stand model
Level Stand/plot
Time step
Time scale
Range of applicabiilty (region, ...)
Stand composition
Forest structure
Species Fagus sylvatica; Fraxinus excelsior; Pinus sylvestris; Pseudostauga menziesii
Sylvicultural system
Tree range
Stand range
State variables - Growth
State variables - Initialization
State variables - Prediction
State variables - Stochastic for
Distribution diameter variables - growth
Distribution diameter variables - initialization
Distribution diameter variables - prediction
Distribution diameter variables - stochasticity for
Tree variables - growth
Tree variables - Initialisation
Tree variables - prediction
Tree variables - stochasticity for
Growth processes
Regeneration processes at stand level
Regeneration processes at sapling level
Submodule : Sylvicultural practicies Rising atmospheric CO2; Silviculture: initial density and thinnings; Site description
Submodel : Climate parameters Allocation models; Biomass models; Mortality model; Nitrogen allocation; Nutrient content models; Stand/tree growth
Input state variables Age; Climate; Initial biomass; Management history; Number of trees/ha; Soil profile description; Species
Human inputs
Climate inputs
Output state variable Net ecosystem productivity (NEP); Net primary productivity (NPP); Organ biomass (stems, branches, roots)
Quantity products
Quality pulp
Quality construction
Quality cork
Simulator name ASPECTS
Stand Simulator version
Stand Simulator hardware
Stand Simulator memory
Stand Simulator OS
Stand Simulator language
Stand Simulator characteristics
Stand Simulator indicators
Stand Simulator visualization
Landscape Simulator name
Landscape Simulator version
Landscape Simulator hardware
Landscape Simulator memory
Landscape Simulator OS
Landscape Simulator language
Landscape Simulator characteristics
Landscape Simulator indicators
Landscape Simulator visualization
Bibliography Rasse, D.P., L. François, M. Aubinet, A.S. Kowalski, I. Vande Walle, E. Laitat and J.-C. Gérard. 2001.Modelling short-term CO2 fluxes and long-term tree growth in temperate forests with ASPECTS. Ecological Modelling. 141:35-52.

Rasse, D.P, B. Longdoz, and R. Ceulemans. 2001. TRAP: a modelling approach to below-ground carbon allocation in temperate forests. Plant and Soil. 229:281-293.