
Features of Model for Forest Management and decision support

Model Name : Laricio

Forest Model name Laricio
Last update 2011-04-29
Year 1998
Author Meredieu C.
Email Contact
Organisation CEMAGREF; IDF; INRA
Country France
Category Growth
Model type Empirical growth & Yield models
Sub-type Distance independent tree model
Level Tree
Time step Year
Time scale Long term
Stochasticity Deterministic
Range of applicabiilty (region, ...) Center region (France)
Stand composition Monospecific
Forest structure Even
Species Pinus nigra ssp. Laricio
Sylvicultural system Clear cutting
Tree range
Stand range
State variables - Growth Dominant height; Number of trees per hectare; Total volume
State variables - Initialization Dominant height; Number of trees per hectare
State variables - Prediction
State variables - Stochastic for
Distribution diameter variables - growth
Distribution diameter variables - initialization
Distribution diameter variables - prediction
Distribution diameter variables - stochasticity for
Tree variables - growth Diameter at Breast Height; Stem height; Taper functions; Tree Height; Tree life status (Alive/dead)
Tree variables - Initialisation
Tree variables - prediction
Tree variables - stochasticity for
Growth processes
Regeneration processes at stand level
Regeneration processes at sapling level
Submodule : Sylvicultural practicies Clear cutting; Initial density (seedling, plantation); Thinning
Submodel : Climate parameters Site index
Input state variables Age; Distribution of diameters; Dominant height
Human inputs % of trees to remove (thinning); Basal area to remove (thinning); Number of trees at planting; Number of trees to remove; Rotation length; Thinning scenario; Volume of trees to remove
Climate inputs Site index
Output state variable Distribution dimension; Stand : area; Stand : basal area; Stand : dominant diameter; Stand : dominant height; Stand : harvest timber volume; Stand : mean diameter; Stand : medium height; Stand : merchantable volumes over bark; Stand : merchantable volumes under bark; Stand : mortality; Stand : Number of trees per hectare; Stand : Site index; Stand: Age; Stand: mean annual volume increment (MAI); Stand: quadratic mean diameter; Stand: total volume; Tree : Diameter at Breast Height; Tree : Height; Tree : life status (Alive/dead); Tree : Stem height; Tree: Basal area
Quantity products Merchantable volumes over bark
Quality pulp
Quality construction
Quality cork
Simulator name Capsis; WinEpifn
Stand Simulator version
Stand Simulator hardware
Stand Simulator memory
Stand Simulator OS
Stand Simulator language Java
Stand Simulator characteristics
Stand Simulator indicators
Stand Simulator visualization
Landscape Simulator name
Landscape Simulator version
Landscape Simulator hardware
Landscape Simulator memory
Landscape Simulator OS
Landscape Simulator language
Landscape Simulator characteristics
Landscape Simulator indicators
Landscape Simulator visualization
Bibliography Meredieu, C., F. Colin, et al. (1998). Modelling branchiness of Corsican pine with mixed-effect models (Pinus nigra Arnold ssp. laricio (Poiret) Maire). Ann. Sci. For 55: 359-374.
Meredieu C., Dreyfus. P., Saint-André L. and Leban J.M., 1999. A chain of models from tree growth to properties of boards for Pinus nigra ssp. laricio Arn. : simulation using CAPSIS ©INRA and WinEpifn ©INRA. In IUFRO workshop S5.01-04 "Connection between silviculture and wood quality through modelling approaches and simulation software", La Londe-les-Maures (France), September 1999, G. Nepveu (éd.) ERQB-INRA 1999/2, 505-513.
Meredieu C., 1998. Croissance et branchaison du Pin laricio (Pinus nigra Arnold ssp. laricio Poiret Maire) : Élaboration et évaluation d’un système de modèles pour la prévision de caractéristiques des arbres et du bois. Thèse de doctorat, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I. 250p. + annexes.
Meredieu C., Dreyfus P. et Riou-Nivert P., 2001. L’apport de la modélisation pour le sylviculteur de pin laricio : simulation de scénarios sylvicoles. Forêt-Entreprise, 137, 38-46.
Context CAQ group
URL http://www.pierroton.inra.fr/Croissance/index.html