Features of Model for Forest Management and decision support
Model Name : Laricio
Forest Model name | Laricio |
Last update | 2011-04-29 |
Year | 1998 |
Author | Meredieu C. |
Contact | |
Organisation | CEMAGREF; IDF; INRA |
Country | France |
Category | Growth |
Model type | Empirical growth & Yield models |
Sub-type | Distance independent tree model |
Level | Tree |
Time step | Year |
Time scale | Long term |
Stochasticity | Deterministic |
Range of applicabiilty (region, ...) | Center region (France) |
Site | |
Stand composition | Monospecific |
Forest structure | Even |
Species | Pinus nigra ssp. Laricio |
Sylvicultural system | Clear cutting |
Tree range | |
Stand range | |
State variables - Growth | Dominant height; Number of trees per hectare; Total volume |
State variables - Initialization | Dominant height; Number of trees per hectare |
State variables - Prediction | |
State variables - Stochastic for | |
Distribution diameter variables - growth | |
Distribution diameter variables - initialization | |
Distribution diameter variables - prediction | |
Distribution diameter variables - stochasticity for | |
Tree variables - growth | Diameter at Breast Height; Stem height; Taper functions; Tree Height; Tree life status (Alive/dead) |
Tree variables - Initialisation | |
Tree variables - prediction | |
Tree variables - stochasticity for | |
Growth processes | |
Regeneration processes at stand level | |
Regeneration processes at sapling level | |
Hazards | |
Submodule : Sylvicultural practicies | Clear cutting; Initial density (seedling, plantation); Thinning |
Submodel : Climate parameters | Site index |
Input state variables | Age; Distribution of diameters; Dominant height |
Human inputs | % of trees to remove (thinning); Basal area to remove (thinning); Number of trees at planting; Number of trees to remove; Rotation length; Thinning scenario; Volume of trees to remove |
Climate inputs | Site index |
Output state variable | Distribution dimension; Stand : area; Stand : basal area; Stand : dominant diameter; Stand : dominant height; Stand : harvest timber volume; Stand : mean diameter; Stand : medium height; Stand : merchantable volumes over bark; Stand : merchantable volumes under bark; Stand : mortality; Stand : Number of trees per hectare; Stand : Site index; Stand: Age; Stand: mean annual volume increment (MAI); Stand: quadratic mean diameter; Stand: total volume; Tree : Diameter at Breast Height; Tree : Height; Tree : life status (Alive/dead); Tree : Stem height; Tree: Basal area |
Quantity products | Merchantable volumes over bark |
Quality pulp | |
Quality construction | |
Quality cork | |
Simulator name | Capsis; WinEpifn |
Stand Simulator version | |
Stand Simulator hardware | |
Stand Simulator memory | |
Stand Simulator OS | |
Stand Simulator language | Java |
Stand Simulator characteristics | |
Stand Simulator indicators | |
Stand Simulator visualization | |
Landscape Simulator name | |
Landscape Simulator version | |
Landscape Simulator hardware | |
Landscape Simulator memory | |
Landscape Simulator OS | |
Landscape Simulator language | |
Landscape Simulator characteristics | |
Landscape Simulator indicators | |
Landscape Simulator visualization | |
Reference | |
Bibliography | Meredieu, C., F. Colin, et al. (1998). Modelling branchiness of Corsican pine with mixed-effect models (Pinus nigra Arnold ssp. laricio (Poiret) Maire). Ann. Sci. For 55: 359-374. Meredieu C., Dreyfus. P., Saint-André L. and Leban J.M., 1999. A chain of models from tree growth to properties of boards for Pinus nigra ssp. laricio Arn. : simulation using CAPSIS ©INRA and WinEpifn ©INRA. In IUFRO workshop S5.01-04 "Connection between silviculture and wood quality through modelling approaches and simulation software", La Londe-les-Maures (France), September 1999, G. Nepveu (éd.) ERQB-INRA 1999/2, 505-513. Meredieu C., 1998. Croissance et branchaison du Pin laricio (Pinus nigra Arnold ssp. laricio Poiret Maire) : Élaboration et évaluation d’un système de modèles pour la prévision de caractéristiques des arbres et du bois. Thèse de doctorat, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I. 250p. + annexes. Meredieu C., Dreyfus P. et Riou-Nivert P., 2001. L’apport de la modélisation pour le sylviculteur de pin laricio : simulation de scénarios sylvicoles. Forêt-Entreprise, 137, 38-46. Site CAPSIS |
Equations | |
Context | CAQ group |
URL | http://www.pierroton.inra.fr/Croissance/index.html |