
Features of Model for Forest Management and decision support

Model Name : PP3

Forest Model name PP3
Last update 2013-06-28
Year 2002
Author C. Meredieu, Ph. Dreyfus, B. Lemoine
Email Contact
Organisation INRA
Country France
Category Growth
Model type Empirical growth & Yield models
Sub-type Distance independent tree model
Level Tree
Time step Year
Time scale Long term
Stochasticity Deterministic
Range of applicabiilty (region, ...) Southwestern of France: Landes de Gascogne (except the coastal dune area)
Site Stand from plantation or seeding with or without initial fertilization
Stand composition Monospecific
Forest structure Even
Species Pinus pinaster
Sylvicultural system Clear cutting
Tree range to be completed
Stand range to be completed
State variables - Growth Dominant height
State variables - Initialization Dominant height; Number of trees per hectare
State variables - Prediction Aboveground biomass; Basal area; Branches biomass; Dominant height; Leaf area; Leaves biomass; Stem bark biomass; Stem wood biomass
State variables - Stochastic for
Distribution diameter variables - growth
Distribution diameter variables - initialization
Distribution diameter variables - prediction
Distribution diameter variables - stochasticity for
Tree variables - growth Diameter at Breast Height
Tree variables - Initialisation Diameter at Breast Height; Stem height; Tree Height
Tree variables - prediction Aboveground biomass; Branches biomass; Crown diameter; Crown length/crown ratio; Diameter at Breast Height; Leaf area; Leaves biomass; Merchantable volumes over bark to a top d; Merchantable volumes under bark to a top d; Stem bark biomass; Stem height; Stem wood biomass; Taper functions; Tree Height; Volume over bark without stump; Volume under bark without stump
Tree variables - stochasticity for
Growth processes
Regeneration processes at stand level
Regeneration processes at sapling level
Hazards Windthrow
Submodule : Sylvicultural practicies Initial density (seedling, plantation); Thinning
Submodel : Climate parameters Site index
Input state variables Age; Distribution of diameters; Dominant height; Number of trees per hectare
Human inputs Thinning scenario
Climate inputs Site index
Output state variable Aboveground biomass; Basal area; Branches biomass; Crown diameter; Crown length/crown ratio; Diameter at Breast Height; Dominant height; Leaf area; Leaves biomass; Merchantable volumes over bark to a top d; Merchantable volumes under bark to a top d; Number of trees per hectare; Stem bark biomass; Stem height; Stem wood biomass; Taper functions; Tree Height; Volume over bark without stump; Volume under bark without stump
Quantity products Pulp wood; Wood for construction
Quality pulp Heartwood percentage
Quality construction Log grading
Quality cork
Simulator name Capsis
Stand Simulator version 4.1.2
Stand Simulator hardware
Stand Simulator memory
Stand Simulator OS Windows, Linux, Mac OS
Stand Simulator language JAVA
Stand Simulator characteristics Batch-mode use; Change silvicultural treatments running; Interactive use; Interface with other programs; Saving of interim results with continuation
Stand Simulator indicators Age structure and diameter distribution (Module 2); Dead wood (Module 2); Forest damage (Module 2); Forest ressources (Lead); Growing stock (Module 2); Increments and fellings (Module 2); Production costs (Lead); Revenue (Additional); Total production (Additional)
Stand Simulator visualization
Landscape Simulator name
Landscape Simulator version
Landscape Simulator hardware
Landscape Simulator memory
Landscape Simulator OS
Landscape Simulator language
Landscape Simulator characteristics
Landscape Simulator indicators
Landscape Simulator visualization
Reference Model developement methodology; Model equations; Model modules/components
Bibliography Model description :  model equations and model developement methodology
Lemoine B (1991) Growth and yield of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait): the average dominant tree of the stand. Ann For Sci 48:593–611
Salas-González R, Houllier F, Lemoine B, Pignard G (2001) Forecasting wood resources on the basis of national forest inventory data. Application to Pinus pinaster Ait in southwestern . Ann For Sci 58:785-802

Integration of PP3 in stand simulation software
Meredieu C., 2002 - Intégration dans Capsis d&acuteun modèle de croissance du Pin maritime développé par l&acuteINRA. Convention n° 61.45.47/01, MAPA-DERF/INRA. Rapport final de cinquième tranche 28/11/2002., In Modélisation et intégration logicielle : croissance, branchaison, qualité des bois. Aide à la décision pour la sylviculture et l&acuteutilisation du bois des essences forestières françaises, Bordeaux (France), Auclair D. [ed.], p. 4p.
de Coligny F, Ancelin P, Cornu G, Courbaud B, Dreyfus P, Goreaud F, Gourlet-Fleury S, Meredieu C, Saint-André L (2003) CAPSIS: computer-aided projection for strategies in silviculture, advantages of a shared forest-modelling platform. In: Amaro A, Reed D, Soares P, Modelling Forest Systems, CABI Publishing, Wallingford pp 319–323
de Coligny F, Meredieu C., Labbé, T., Vallet P., Dreyfus, P., 2005. Using Capsis for connection with Wood quality. Workshop IUFRO 5.01.04 "Connection between Forest Resources and Wood Quality: Modelling Approaches and Simulation Software", 20- 27 november 2005, Waiheke Island .

link to Capsis -> http://coligny.free.fr/

Connection with wood quality
Reuling D (2005) Potentiel d’utilisation du Pin maritime dans la construction en fonction des conditions de croissance définies dans le modèle Pp3. Master of Science, Université Bordeaux1 France, p 70
Bucket E, Meredieu C., Labbé T. 2005. Modélisation du bilan carbone pour un système « forêt de pin maritime – produits bois“: comparaison pour 3 scénarios sylvicoles contrastés. VIIIe Colloque Arbora Carbone, Forêt, Bois : Impacts du changements climatique, Stratégies pour la filière, 1 et 2 décembre 2005, Ed. Arbora, 209-217.

Connection with hazards
Cucchi V., Meredieu C, Stokes A, Coligny F, Suarez, J., Gardiner, B. 2005. Modelling the windthrow risk for simulated stands of Maritime pine, Forest Ecology and management, 213: 184-196.
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