Présentations et Publications staff IEFC

Ci-dessous la liste à jour des présentations et publications récentes de l’équipe et du réseau IEFC

Gardiner, B., Orazio, C., Castro, A., & Cablat, D. (2024). Gestion du risque tempête en nouvelle Aquitaine. [object Object]. Cite
de Guerry, B. (2023, June 20). Analyse des difficultés techniques et sociologiques à l’usage des plantations en mélange par les acteurs forestiers. Journées REGEFOR 2023, INRAE Grand Est Champenoux. Cite
de Guerry, B., & Jactel, H. (2023, April 13). The FORMIX network: reconcile productivity and research in a long-term network of experimental mixed plantations [Oral]. Symposium on complex forests, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid). Cite
Roitsch, D., Abruscato, S., Lovrić, M., Lindner, M., Orazio, C., & Winkel, G. (2023). Close-to-nature forestry and intensive forestry – Two response patterns of forestry professionals towards climate change adaptation. Forest Policy and Economics, 154, 103035. Cite
Contribution des arboretums, avec l’exemple du RÉseau INFrastructure de recherche pour le suivi et l’adaptation des FORêts au Changement climatiquE (Reinfforce). (2023, juillet). [Présentation Orale]. Quelles contributions des dispositifs expérimentaux à l’adaptation des forêts au changement climatique : évaluation sur le terrain des essences d’avenir, Niort. Cite
Landmann, G, Delay, M, Marquet, G, Bergès, L, Collet, C, Deuffic, P., Gosselin, M, Marage, D., Ogée, J., Ose, K., Perrier, C., Agro, C., Akroume, E, Aubert, M., Augusto, L., Baubet, O., Becquey, J, Belouard, T, Boulanger, V., … Orazio, C. (2023). Expertise collective CRREF « Coupes Rases et Renouvellement des peuplements Forestiers en contexte de changement climatique », Rapport scientifique de l’expertise (p. 782). GIP-ECOFOR, RMT AFORCE. Cite
B. De Guerry, C. Orazio, Beuker, E., Bastien, C., Bastien, JC., Mutke, S., Dowkiw, A., Raffin, A., Hynynen, J., L. Leal, L. Fontes, M. Haapanen, Steffenrem, A., Nervo, G., Hallingbäck, H., M. Lindner, Ray, D., Burton, V., Lefèvre, F., … Berlin, M. (2023). FRM DEPLOYMENT - Guidelines for forest managers and tree breeders. [object Object]. Cite
Beuker, E., Lindner, M., Persson, T., Abruscato, S., Berlin, M., Roitsch, D., Orazio, C., & Winkel, G. (2023). Overview of current rules and legislations for deployment of improved FRM. [object Object]. Cite
Eberhard, B., Bergante, S., Bronisz, K., Laine, T., Orazio, C., Spinelli, R., & van Loo, M. (2023). Early measures for forest stand establishment within the context of climate change in Europe. Centralblatt Für Das Gesamte Forstwesen, 2023(3), 151–188. Cite
Orazio, Christophe. (2023). Renouvellement des Forêts en contexte de changement climatique : enquête chez nos voisins européens. Forêt et Innovation, 4, 37–41. Cite
Roitsch, D., Abruscato, S., Lovrić, M., Lindner, M., Orazio, C., & Winkel, G. (2023). Close-to-Nature Forestry and Intensive Forestry – Two Response Patterns of Forestry Professionals Towards Climate Change Adaptation. SSRN Electronic Journal. Cite
Patacca, M., Lindner, M., Lucas‐Borja, M. E., Cordonnier, T., Fidej, G., Gardiner, B., Hauf, Y., Jasinevičius, G., Labonne, S., Linkevičius, E., Mahnken, M., Milanovic, S., Nabuurs, G., Nagel, T. A., Nikinmaa, L., Panyatov, M., Bercak, R., Seidl, R., Ostrogović Sever, M. Z., … Schelhaas, M. (2022). Significant increase in natural disturbance impacts on European forests since 1950. Global Change Biology, gcb.16531. Cite
Orazio, Christophe. (2022, October 13). 2022 summer fires in the Living Lab in Nouvelle aquitaine, France. FIRES-RES Newsletter, 4. Cite
Christophe Orazio. (2022, September 30). Planting forests for carbon-neutral economies, sustainable landscapes and livelihoods [Table ronde]. COFO 26 - FAO, Rome. Cite
Orazio, C. (2022, September 23). PLANTEDFORESTS.ORG: help us to shape a resources centre on planted forests for stakeholders. All-IUFRO Conference: Forests in a Volatile World – Global Collaboration to Sustain Forests and Their Societal Benefits, Vienna, Austria. Cite
Orazio, Sébastien, & Orazio, Christophe. (2022, September 22). Incidence of Haematological malignacies in French population living near forest areas: Pilot study [Présentation]. All-IUFRO Conference: Forests in a Volatile World – Global Collaboration to Sustain Forests and Their Societal Benefits, Vienna, Austria. Cite
Orazio, Christophe. (2022, August 9). Using the REINFFORCE network as sentinel to monitor emerging pest and disease invasion in Europe [Poster]. The IUFRO All-Division 7 2022 Conference, Lisbon. Cite
de Guerry, B. (2022, July 12). Silvalert: outil de signalement des dégâts en forêt [Oral]. Soirée des sciences participatives, AgroParisTech, Nancy. Cite
Kolbe, S., Rentschler, F., Frey, J., Seifert, T., Gardiner, B., Detter, A., & Schindler, D. (2022). Assessment of Effective Wind Loads on Individual Plantation-Grown Forest Trees. Forests, 13(7), 1026. Cite
Clopeau, A., Lacerda, R., & Orazio, C. (2022). Evolution du marché international de la gemme depuis 1930 et situation en 2020. Revue Forestière Française, 73(4), 499–511. Cite
Orazio, C. (2022, June 9). REINFFORCE common gardens : crown discolouration, defoliation and mortality response under Atlantic climate gradient from UK to Portugal for 35 forest tree species. IUFRO division 7 meeting, Lisbon. Cite
Rau, E.-P., Gardiner, B. A., Fischer, F. J., Maréchaux, I., Joetzjer, E., Sun, I.-F., & Chave, J. (2022). Wind Speed Controls Forest Structure in a Subtropical Forest Exposed to Cyclones: A Case Study Using an Individual-Based Model. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5, 753100. Cite
Kamimura, K., Nanko, K., Matsumoto, A., Ueno, S., Gardiner, J., & Gardiner, B. (2022). Tree dynamic response and survival in a category-5 tropical cyclone: The case of super typhoon Trami. Science Advances, 8(10), eabm7891. Cite
Kolbe, S., Mohr, M., Maier, M., Osterholt, L., Gardiner, B., & Schindler, D. (2022). On the Potential of Using Air Pressure Fluctuations to Estimate Wind-Induced Tree Motion in a Planted Scots Pine Forest. Forests, 13(2), 225. Cite
Duperat, M., Gardiner, B., & Ruel, J.-C. (2022). Effects of a selective thinning on wind loading in a naturally regenerated balsam fir stand. Forest Ecology and Management, 505, 119878. Cite
Paillassa, E., Musch, B., Legay, M., Orazio, C., & Pichot, C. (2022). Réseau ESPERENSE : une évaluation participative des essences de demain. ONF, 74, 28–30. Cite
Simonet, S., Stab, C., Boucher, L., Doublet, S., Etayer, N., & Orazio, C. (2022). Démarches d’adaptation au changement climatique dans les secteurs agricole et forestier et leurs filières (Expertise, p. 27p+1p). ADEME. Cite
ADEME, ACTERRA, IEFC, SOLAGRO, Decid&Risk. (2022). Démarches d’adaptation au changement climatique dans les secteurs agricole et forestier et leurs filières : recueil (Ils l’ont fait, p. 60). ADEME. Cite
Andrés Bravo Oviedo, Elena D. Concepción, David Álvarez, Pedro Álvarez, Susana Barreiro, Felipe Bravo, Raul Doncel, Hervé Jactel, Celine Meredieu, Christophe Orazio, José Luis Tomé, Elena D. Concepción, David Álvarez, Pedro Álvarez, Susana Barreiro, Felipe Bravo, Raul Doncel, Hervé Jactel, Celine Meredieu, & Christophe Orazio. (2021, October 22). COMFOR-SUDOE: How to increase resilience and recover degraded forests in southwest Europe [Poster]. sesión científica ST.09: “La restauración en España en el marco de la década de la ONU 2021-2030. ¿Cómo puede contribuir España?” , XV Congreso Nacional de la AEET, Plasencia, Spain. Cite
Loustau, D., Gardiner, B., Chipeaux, C., & Trichet, P. (2021, October 8). Bilan de carbone biogénique du projet de parc photovoltaïque de Saucats [Public Presentation]. Cite
Orazio, C. (2021, September 30). What lessons does REINFFORCE teach us about managing existing and planting new forests in the UK?§ion=86661&id=SES2PIDAH2COC4H0Q Cite
Orazio, C. (2021, September 28). Premiers résultats d’utilisation du réseau REINFFORCE comme sentinelle pour la détection de problèmes émergents. GEFF 2021 (Groupes de Entomologistes Forestiers Francophones), Biscarosse. Cite
Orazio, C. (2021, September 28). Plantation forest in Europe : Challenges and  oportunities - task force resilient planted forest serving society and bioeconomy. Cite
Orazio, C. (2021, September 22). Comment anticiper l’augmentation du risque incendie : Présenatiton des objectifs du projet FIRE-RES [Table ronde]. Cite
Jackson, T. D., Sethi, S., Dellwik, E., Angelou, N., Bunce, A., van Emmerik, T., Duperat, M., Ruel, J.-C., Wellpott, A., Van Bloem, S., Achim, A., Kane, B., Ciruzzi, D. M., Loheide II, S. P., James, K., Burcham, D., Moore, J., Schindler, D., Kolbe, S., … Gardiner, B. (2021). The motion of trees in the wind: a data synthesis. Biogeosciences, 18(13), 4059–4072. Cite
Gardiner, B. (2021). Wind damage to forests and trees: a review with an emphasis on planted and managed forests. Journal of Forest Research, 26(4), 248–266. Cite
Christophe Orazio. (2021, April 29). REINFFORCE  :  Exploring drougth impact on Pseudotsuga. B4EST annual meeting. Cite
Palahí, M., Valbuena, R., Senf, C., Acil, N., Pugh, T. A. M., Sadler, J., Seidl, R., Potapov, P., Gardiner, B., Hetemäki, L., Chirici, G., Francini, S., Hlásny, T., Lerink, B. J. W., Olsson, H., González Olabarria, J. R., Ascoli, D., Asikainen, A., Bauhus, J., … Nabuurs, G.-J. (2021). Concerns about reported harvests in European forests. Nature, 592(7856), E15–E17. Cite
Serrano-León, H., Ahtikoski, A., Sonesson, J., Fady, B., Lindner, M., Meredieu, C., Raffin, A., Perret, S., Perot, T., & Orazio, C. (2021). From genetic gain to economic gain: simulated growth and financial performance of genetically improved Pinus sylvestris and Pinus pinaster planted stands in France, Finland and Sweden. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, cpab004. Cite
Tuomasjukka, D., Den Herder, M., Kunttu, J., Serrano-León, H., Orazio, C., wallius, V., Rois, M., Prinz, R., & Routa, J. (2021). Sustainability Assessment of current and recommended methods. TECH4EFFECT project report. [Project report]. Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke),. Cite
Pötzelsberger, E., Gossner, M. M., Beenken, L., Gazda, A., Petr, M., Ylioja, T., La Porta, N., Avtzis, D. N., Bay, E., De Groot, M., Drenkhan, R., Duduman, M.-L., Enderle, R., Georgieva, M., Hietala, A. M., Hoppe, B., Jactel, H., Jarni, K., Keren, S., … Zlatkovic, M. (2021). Biotic threats for 23 major non-native tree species in Europe. Scientific Data, 8(1), 210. Cite
Duperat, M., Gardiner, B., & Ruel, J.-C. (2021). Effects of a localized partial cut on wind loading in a naturally regenerated balsam fir stand. Forest Ecology and Management, In Press. Cite
Brunier, L., & Orazio, C. (2020). Fiche n°12, Le nématode du Pin au Portugal. In Louise Brunier, Frédérique Delport, & Xavier Cauquelin (Eds.), Guide de gestion des crises sanitaires en forêt - 2ème édition (RMT AFORCE, p. 184). CNPF-IDF. Cite
Brunier, L., Delport, F., & Gauquelin, X. (2020). Guide de gestion des crises sanitaires en forêt 2e édition (CNPF-IDF). Cite
Duperat, M., Gardiner, B., & Ruel, J.-C. (2020). Wind and Snow Loading of Balsam Fir during a Canadian Winter: A Pioneer Study. Forests, 11(10), 1089. Cite
Orazio, C. (2020, September). Developing evidence-based cases for planted forests. IUFRO Spotlight, 81, 3. Cite
Duperat, M., Gardiner, B., & Ruel, J.-C. (2020). Testing an individual tree wind damage risk model in a naturally regenerated balsam fir stand: potential impact of thinning on the level of risk. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, cpaa023. Cite
Jactel, H., Desprez-Loustau, M.-L., Battisti, A., Brockerhoff, E., Santini, A., Stenlid, J., Björkman, C., Branco, M., Dehnen-Schmutz, K., Douma, J. C., Drakulic, J., Drizou, F., Eschen, R., Franco, J. C., Gossner, M. M., Green, S., Kenis, M., Klapwijk, M. J., Liebhold, A. M., … Zalucki, M. P. (2020). Pathologists and entomologists must join forces against forest pest and pathogen invasions. NeoBiota, 58, 107–127. Cite
Régolini, M., Meredieu, C., Jactel, H., Arias-González, A., Branco, M., Cantero, A., Castro, A., Fraysse, J.-Y., Gardiner, B., Hevia, A., Lario, F.-J., Steffy-Pater, C., Rodríguez-Soalleiro, R., Soares, P., & Orazio, C. (2020). Multi-criteria analysis to compare multiple risks associated with management alternatives in planted forests. Forest Systems, 29(2), e004. Cite
Pinaudeau, C. (2020). ÉCHEC AUX FEUX DE FORÊT - Étude sur la défense des forêts contre l’incendie (DFCI). Broché. Cite